Safyr Starter Packs

Silwood Technology have built a number of Safyr Starter Packs for most of the application sources supported by Safyr.

What is a Starter Pack?

A Starter Pack is collection of Safyr Subject Areas, each one containing a group of tables and related tables which represent a specific business artefact in the source application.

As an example this could be something like the tables, related tables and attributes which make up the SAP Bill of Materials business artefact.

(Note: A Safyr Subject Area is any grouping of tables from a source application. These can be created by the Safyr user, or the user can exploit those delivered with Safyr for the licensed source).

How do Silwood create these Starter Packs of Subject Areas?

We create these Starter Packs from the metadata we harvest from the source applications we use for development. In most cases we have used documentation and other resources to build them.

How do these Starter Pack Subject Areas work with the metadata in our source applications?

Once the metadata has been harvested from your source application and stored in a Safyr repository, the Starter Pack Subject Areas will work with the metadata in your source applications.

If you have added or amended attributes in the tables included in those Subject Areas, that information will automatically be incorporated into the Starter Pack Subject Areas. This means that your Subject Areas are up to date and reflect your own implementation.

And you can add your own tables to the Subject Areas delivered as Starter Packs if you wish.

How can I share the metadata in the Starter Pack Subject Areas?

You can display the metadata in these Subject Areas using Safyr's ERDiagrammer tool.

You can also export the metadata in these Subject Areas with any Safyr export format you are licensed for. This includes being able to use the information in data modeling tools such as ERwin DM, ER/Studio or SAP PowerDesigner. Or, you can export the metadata in XML, CSV or XLS. If you have data governance and catalog products such as Collibra, Alation, Precisely, Microsoft Purview, etc. and have licensed the the appropriate export capability, you will be able to use these Starter Pack Subject Areas with those products.

What can I use the Starter Pack Subject Areas for?

You can use these Subject Areas to help you get started quickly and deliver some quick wins.

You can exploit these Subject Areas as templates which you can customise to meet your more specific needs.

How do Safyr' s SAP Starter Packs for GDPR or other data regulatory regimes support compliance?

The Starter Pack for GDPR Compliance gives SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA gives users a valuable head-start in identifying the precise location of Personal Data fields in these systems.

The scope and range of potential personal information in a system like SAP is very broad. With the GDPR Starter Packs,  the process of finding these ‘Personal Data’ fields is significantly easier.

What constitutes personal data will vary by industry – you can combine these Subject Areas into other groups that form the consolidated set of fields for your company and requirements. You can add in your own fields too – especially where your system has been customized.